About Us

Have you ever sent this text message to a friend or colleague?

Yup, us too.

Have you sent the same exact text message again about three months later?

Yup, us too... too.

There are so many great resources out there to make our jobs easier, but not all of us remember where each and every resource is. And jam-packed schedules drain us from the energy to look for them.

So if you're like us, the sender of this text message, you'll be visiting this website a lot.

If you're like our friend, the receiver of this text message, you won't know what to do with all your free time when your friends stop texting you every ten seconds.

(Yes... this is an actual screen shot from our group chat).

We all know we're supposed to be practicing up-to-date, patient-centered, evidence-based medicine. But the truth is that it's not easy.

Especially for those of us no longer working in academic centers constantly surrounded by academic discussions. Even more so for those of use who are expected to see forty patients per day in an under-resourced clinic.

Clinici.wiki is an effort to change that.

We hope this quick-reference site helps trainees and practicing primary care providers more easily practice patient-centered evidence-based medicine by cutting down on all that time asking questions like:

"Is this the most up-to-date version of these guidelines?" and

"Is this even the right professional society to be looking at for these guidelines? When did googling become so hard?" and

"Why didn't I keep a file of every guideline those attendings told me about during lectures?!"

Clinici.wiki is a project from Differential Design, an effort to harness the power of health care technology, management, and design to advance health equity and justice.

Clinici.wiki was conceived in a primary care social internal medicine residency clinic in the Bronx. Its curators are mostly physicians working in health professional shortage areas.

We do our best to reference resources that are are either public domain, free with log-in, or so low-cost that we feel the minimal financial investment is worth while. If a proprietary resource of yours unintentionally makes it onto the site, please let us know and we'll remove it.

Our hope is that open access initiatives like these decrease the barriers that so many of our patients experience when trying to access quality evidence-based, patient-centered care.

If you're interested in joining our efforts, please reach out!


Aaron Shapiro MD MPH EDAC

Founder, Executive Director

Shitij Arora MD FACP

Lead Content Curator

Mary Gover MD AAHIVS

Senior Advisor

Shwetha Iyer MD Dipl of ABOM

Senior Advisor

Sejal Shah MD MPH

Content Curator

Neha Saini DO MS

Content Curator

Rex Tai MD

Content Curator

Disclaimer: This website is intended to help providers and recipients of health care access health information, but is not a substitute for clinical judgement from a qualified professional. Please rely on your own clinical decision making, do your own research, and consult the appropriate qualified health professionals when making individualized health care decisions.